Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My 11 Favorite Romantic Comedies

110) Clueless

Starring: Alicia Silverstone, 1995

I think “Clueless” is a movie that adults miss out on because they write it off as stupid teenage flak. And to a point, it is. But “Clueless” is a revolutionary film, and manages to be smart, quick, sharp, and slick in its stupidity. Plus, with the recent exception of a certain schmalzy vampire film, very few movies in recent history have defined a generation as much as this little movie about a shallow, ditzy teenager. Alicia Silverstone, who plays Cher, a rich Beverly Hills teenager, who is completely clueless in that she has no idea how clueless she is. Cher’s outrageous clothes and trendy language set the pace for the 90s, while managing to be edgy, witty, and downright hilarious.

9) Sabrina

Starring: Audrey Hepburn, William Holden, Humphrey Bogart, 1954

Audrey Hepburn’s class, refinement, and low key attitude allowed her to create sympathetic, understandable characters, and, while most of her fans gravitate toward Holly Golightly, I have always preferred another of her films: Sabrina. “Sabrina” is the tale of a lowly chauffer’s daughter who falls in infatuate love with the young playboy son of a millionaire, and then realizes that while he may not be what she thought, his older brother might be. While this doesn’t sound like a very unique plotline, it was fairly original at the time, and the all-star cast executes it perfectly. It’s a fun, sweet, beautiful piece that set the pace for romantic comedies of today, while showcasing the excellent performances of a great cast.

0806splash.jpg) Splash

Starring: Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, Eugene Levy, John Candy

I am a sucker for a mermaid movie. An absolute sucker. I remember seeing this film for the first time as a child, visiting a family friend in their home. The movie was on TV and the family just let it play during the visit. I got so wrapped up in the story of the mermaid, Madison, and her human love, played by the wonderful Tom Hanks, that when that awful scientist turned her back into a mermaid and started doing scientific tests on her, I cried right there in the living room. And I loved the ending, with Tom Hanks swimming away with her, because that’s how I always thought “The Little Mermaid” should have ended. Why would Ariel want to leave the sea? It’s so much more exciting and colorful down there. Splash remainds one of my favorite movies, and, for the record, I still cry when they take her away. J

knocked-up.jpg7) Knocked Up

Starring: Seth Rogan, Katherine Heigl, Leslie Mann

I love some Seth Rogan. Something about his chubby, cuddly, stoner-ness really appeals to me, because no matter how idiotic he is, he always has a great heart and honest intentions to back it up. Also, I love how the movies he does are raunchy, edgy, and sometimes downright filthy, but are laced with such sweetness that all is forgiven. “Knocked Up” is a new brand of romantic comedy that tries to disregard all the corny, syrupy notions of the past in favor of a more hard, realistic look at love, but still end on a happy note. Knocked Up isn’t perfect, but it’s about as close as you can get. Any movie that uses the phrase, “Well fine! I’ll pay for vagina reconstructive surgery” is good with me.

beyaztuval_julia_roberts_runaway_bride_1.jpg6) Runaway Bride

Starring: Richard Gere, Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is the reigning queen of romantic comedies, and with that title, she can afford to be picky. I remember “Runaway Bride” being a runaway success, if you can forgive the pun, and and everyone fell under the spell of her big hair, big teeth, big laugh, and larger than life personality. In this film, she plays a bride who doesn’t have any idea who she is, and therefore chickens out at every alter she’s been down, and there have been a few. Richard Gere plays the journalist who is on her tail for her story, and of course, the plot is pretty predictable. We all know how it’s going to end within the first few minutes, but the movie is so fun and engaging and has such sweet (but not sappy) moments that we’re willing to forgive its flaws.

Pretty-Woman-movie-07.jpg5) Pretty Woman

Starring: Julia Roberts, Richard Gere

Another Julia/Richard combo movie, only this time Julia plays a prostitute Cinderella, with Richard as her billionaire Prince Charming. Yeah, it sounds corny, and it is. But it also manages to be positively enchanting. Julia is so good at being empathetic and she and Richard have developed a very tangible chemistry onscreen. The inner feminist in me hates this movie, and knows that prostitutes don’t marry billionaires and most of them don’t live happily ever after like Julia’s character, Vivienne. I know that most prostitutes die before the age of 30 and are beaten daily by pimps. They live on the street or in ramshackle apartments and most are addicted to drugs. This movie is almost like Disney’s take on the life of a prostitute, but I can’t bring myself to hate it. It’s a delightful film in it’s blatant ability to ignore reality, and I just can’t help myself. J

mybestfriendswedding.jpg4) My Best Friend’s Wedding

Starring: Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulrooney, Cameron Diaz

Last Julia Roberts movie, I promise. J This is my favorite of her films, because it defies the rom-com formula. The ending isn’t happy. Julia’s character, Julianne, does all kinds of mean, underhanded things to try and catch the man she loves, but she’s SO mean and underhanded that we end up not liking her. Because of this, she does herself in, and the man she loves, Mulrooney, ends up with Diaz, the woman he really loves. As additional perk, this movie has one of my favorite movie scenes in it: the great climax scene with Diaz gives Julia what for in the bathroom at the ballpark. It’s such a well-executed scene that stays true to character, and yet shows off the raw face of a woman scorned. “I love this man, and I will not lose him to some TWO-FACED, BIG HAIRED FOOD CRITIC!” Classic. J

juno-7001.jpg3) Juno

Starring: Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman

I count this movie as a romantic for two reasons: it’s very sweet. And very funny. This movie made me laugh out loud more than any movie in my life. Even in the theater I saw it in, the audience stood up and clapped at the end of the film. Ellen Page’s Juno is one of the coolest, most well-developed characters in cinema history. She’s snarky, edgy, witty, and yet extraordinarly naïve, and we love her for those reasons. Michael Cera, as her unwitting baby daddy Bleeker, does what he does best: awkward, nerdy, and sweet. Once again, this is a film that sort of diverts from the traditional formula, and has one of the best scripts to ever hit a rom-com. Juno also possesses a small wisdom about the ways and details of love. In the words of Juno’s dad, “I think the best thing to do is find someone who loves you, for exactly what you are. The right person will always think the sun shines out your ass.” J

family-stone-4.jpg2) The Family Stone

Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker, Dermot Mulrooney, Rachel McAdams, Owen Wilson, Craig T. Nelson, Diane Keaton, Claire Danes

This is a movie that is about the love of family, the love that binds us on holidays, and the love that we accept. Sarah Jessica Parker plays an uptight New York businesswoman who goes home to meet her fiance’s low-key bohemian family. I love each and every one of these couples; This movie is so easy to fall in love with, and represents love in many forms: the love of two men, the love of a couple who have been married for many years, the love between people who feel that they need each other, the love that finds us when we least expect it, the love between parents and children, the love between siblings. And all this happens in the most romantic, joyous time of the year: Christmas. I truly adore this film.

1)never-been-kissed.jpg1) Never Been Kissed

Starring: Drew Barrymore, David Arquette

Here it is, my number 1 favorite romantic comedy. I love the plotline, as little sense as it makes, and I love delightfully clueless performance by Drew Barrymore. This movie touches me in so many ways (maybe it’s because of my own unfortunate appearance in high school), even though it reinforces lame high school stereotypes. Drew is just so easy to like, and the love story manages to be sweet without being sappy. I love her foray into high school life and the awfully embarrassing things that happen there, with the climax at one of the most awesome high school proms ever. J Mindless fun, but fun indeed, with real heart, real fun, and a really good lead performance. J

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